State to Offer Free Repairs through Lead Safe Program

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(Camden, NJ) – The state of New Jersey is now offering free lead paint identification and remediation to all Camden County homeowners, renters and landlords through the Saint Joseph’s Carpenter Society Lead Safe program. This is the latest in a series of state allocations meant to fight a child’s exposure to lead paint chips and remove other lead-based elements in aging Camden County homes. The state has allocated millions of dollars to this cause ever since a federal ban on lead was put into place more than 35 years ago.


The purpose of the program is to identify and remediate lead-based paint hazards to prevent elevated blood lead levels in children and pregnant women, who are the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of the substance.


“Lead is harmful to everyone but especially to children and pregnant women so it’s imperative that we are eliminating the risk of exposure on a wide scale,” said Commissioner Virginia Betteridge, liaison to the Health Department. “If you are concerned about your child potentially being exposed to lead, the Health Department recommends talking to your child’s healthcare provider about getting a blood test in addition to scheduling the home test. Also, frequently wipe down your floors, windows and windowsills to prevent your child from inhaling dust containing lead paint.” 


Exposure to lead is extremely harmful to children, especially those under the age of six, whose developing nervous systems make them vulnerable to long-term effects that can include developmental delays and behavioral problems, among others.


Testing is free and available to residents who reside in Camden County.


Typical repairs in this program include new doors and windows, fresh coats of paint on friction surfaces and new handrails. To schedule a free test of your home or apartment, please contact Iveliz Porrata (856) 966-8117 ext. 225.