How to become a Camden County Certified Gardener
Camden County Certified Gardeners is a non-profit all volunteer organization with over 100 members. Certified Gardeners are residents interested in gardening and volunteering in their communities. Beginners and experienced gardeners are welcome; you must be over 18 years of age. Our headquarters are located at the county’s Sustainability Campus at 508 Lakeland Rd., Blackwood.
Our mission: Provide the residents of Camden County with fact-based information on sustainable landscape practices, pest management, and home horticulture while fostering relationships to empower Certified Gardeners to increase their abilities and knowledge.
How do I get started?
- County residents must enroll in the Certified Gardeners Horticultural Training Program, which is offered once annually, January through April. Information and application form is listed in the Camden County newsletter and on the Camden County website in the fall. An interview process then follows the application and acceptance is decided. Classes cover a wide variety of key horticultural topics and are taught by college professors and industry experts on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9 am-12 pm at the Sustainability Campus. The cost is $250 which covers speakers’ fees and class materials.
- To complete initial certification, candidates must volunteer at Certified Gardener sponsored events and programs, including Community Service (20 hours) and Outreach/Helpline (40 hours). Gardeners have over one year to complete these hours.
- Community Service: We have a wide variety of programs that promote horticultural education for personal and public benefit.
- Outreach/Helpline: We bring gardening information to the public via sessions at the county libraries, public events (farm markets, fairs, etc.) the Speakers Bureau; and Helpline (bring in or call with your garden questions).
- Once a gardener has completed the required 60 hours of service, the gardener will become a certified member of the organization.
- To maintain certification, gardeners must complete additional volunteer hours annually.
- Certified Gardeners sponsor these programs:
- Seed Saving
- Gardening Helpline
- Horticultural Training Program
- Education Gardens
- Hydroponics Greenhouse
- Speaker’s Bureau
- Make & Take Classes
- Annual Plant Sale
- Children’s Programs
- County Library & Farm Market sessions
- Plant Clinics
For more detailed information, go to www.camdencounty/, email or call our Helpline at 856-216-7130.
Application for Certified Gardeners Horticultural Training Program coming soon!
Gardening Questions?
Call our Helpline at 856 216 7130, send email to, or visit our office every Tuesday and Thursday, 9am-3pm.
Need a free speaker on gardening for your organization?
Send email and put Speaker in the subject line.
Follow us on Facebook for our outreach locations and Make & Take workshops!
Subscribe to our newsletter The Savvy Gardener for the latest activities and news.
Program Coordinator:
Cali Bledy,
We’re located at the Sustainability Campus at 508 Lakeland Road in Blackwood.