Haddon Avenue (CR-561) Improvements – Euclid Avenue to Newton Avenue (CR-604)

Haddon Avenue (CR-561) Improvements – Euclid Avenue to Newton Avenue (CR-604)

Start Date: 2025

Scope of Work: Camden County is currently in Preliminary Engineering & Design for transportation improvements to Haddon Avenue between Euclid Avenue and Newton Avenue. This project is part of a multi-phase plan to upgrade Haddon Avenue. Improvements have been completed on Haddon Avenue in the vicinity of Cooper University Hospital as well as in the vicinity of Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center. This project will be the next phase, completing the stretch of Haddon Avenue between these important medical facilities. Transportation improvements in this corridor are essential to achieving the long-term vision for a revitalized Haddon Avenue and surrounding neighborhoods. 

Project Description: The project will provide a roadway cross section consisting of one 12-foot-wide travel lane with adjoining 8-foot-wide parking in each direction. The abutting sidewalks will be widened by approximately one foot to enhance pedestrian flow. Other proposed improvements include pavement reconstruction or overlay; curb extensions at signalized intersections to increase pedestrian visibility and shorten pedestrian crossings; and signal improvements to increase signal visibility, improve traffic flow and enhance pedestrian safety. In addition, the project proposes the replacement of street trees, improved intersection lighting, enhanced transit access and delineation, as well as green stormwater infrastructure (planting areas). For funding purposes, the project will be broken into two construction phases. The first phase to be constructed will extend from Euclid Avenue through Kaighns Avenue. The second phase will extend from Walnut Street to Newton Ave. 

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Haddon Avenue Presentation

GPI Plans:



Camden County LINK (2024): Existing Condition Haddon Northbound:


Camden County LINK (2024): Haddon Ave Fly Through with Labels: