Camden County Youth One-Stop
Are you out-of-school? Are you between the ages of 16 and 24 years of age? If so, get started on a pathway to an exciting career today!
Youth One Stop provides access to high quality education, job-training and support services utilizing local resources to benefit at-risk out of school youth in Camden County. The program is open to eligible Camden County youth ages 16-24 who are facing obstacles keeping them from high school completion, and life and work skill development necessary to gain employment. Participants will explore career options in the community and gain practical experience through work experience supported by tutoring, mentorship and degree/certification programs in in-demand industries and occupations.
We provide youth a safe and friendly environment in which to learn and develop. Through a continuum of services, Y1. will assist youth in individualized planning to obtain the training and skills needed to become productive members of their community and valuable assets to the local and regional workforce.
Services include:
- Assistance with high school completion
- Work experiences with academic and occupational education
- Occupational skill training leading to recognized post-secondary credentials that align with in-demand industry sectors
- Leadership development opportunities, including community service and peer centered activities
- Supportive services access for housing, clothing, child care, transportation
- Comprehensive guidance and counseling
- Financial literacy education
- Services that provide labor market and employment information about in-demand industry sectors or occupations available
Camden County One Stop
101 Woodcrest Road – Suite 127,
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Open Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Call 1-856-549-0600 and ask to speak to a Youth Counselor or e-mail us at
The Camden County Youth One Stop is an equal opportunity employer / program and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
The Camden County One-Stop Center is an equal opportunity employer/program and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.