Early Childhood Success

Early Childhood Success targets the very youngest of Camden County’s residents – its children ages 0-8. The Covenant has as its desired outcome that “All children will be safe, healthy and learning at their developmentally appropriate life stage.”  The literature suggests that the earlier you can positively engage children in healthy life behaviors the greater their opportunity for success.  To help families successfully embark on the life journey of raising healthy children, the Covenant has prioritized children ages 0-3 and their families and has targeted the need to develop a county-wide perinatal support system for parents to ensure all Camden County parents have the chance to start out on the right foot.  Early Childhood Success also means supporting parents with young children and the Covenant is committed to identifying and mobilizing resources and supports to help parents support the healthy development of their young children.


Resources for Early Childhood Success


A Camden County Parent Helpline has been established through a partnership between the Camden Covenant for Children, Youth , and Families, the CPAC Parent Council, and Parents Anonymous of New Jersey to offer a warm line of support and access to services to Newark residents on a 24 hour 7 days a week basis. If parents and caregivers are stressed out and in need of help, or if they need resources, information or just someone to talk to, they can call 1-800-THE-KIDS and connect with a friendly and well-trained parent support specialist.

As part of the Speak Up When You Are Down national campaign to recognize and support women dealing with issues related to post-partum depression, New Jersey operates a Family Health Line offering 24/7 hotline 1-800-328-3838.


Parents Anonymous of NJ  www.pa-of-nj.org  provides information and support for parents including parenting tips, support groups, training and other resources, including operating the
1-800-THE-KIDS “warm-line” for parent support.

The New Jersey Department of Children and Families website is a great resource for parenting tips and other helpful information geared towards parents.  For more information, go to http://www.state.nj.us/dcf/

The Statewide Parents Advocacy Network www.spannj.org empowers and supports families and informs and involves professionals and others interested in the healthy development and education of children and youth. Programs and services include workshops, publications, support and policy advocacy to assist parents in becoming informed and empowered advocates as they negotiate the systems serving children and families including education (general, special education, bilingual education and Title I), health care and child welfare.

The Camden County Differential Response Initiative – PARTNERS provides case management and critical services, supports and resources to families when they are most in need.  For information about PARTNERS, please call the state hotline 1-877 NJ ABUSE.

In addition, PARTNERS brings together parent leaders through the Community Parent Advisory Council to help Differential Response/PARTNERS fulfill its mission of developing and sustaining family-centered care and service delivery throughout Camden County.   For more information on the PARTNERS Community Parent Advisory Council contact William James, Coordinator, Community Parent Advisory Council at 856.663.3998  Ext. #209.

Family Support Organizations are family-led, community-based non-profit agencies whose mission is to provide support, advocacy, and education to families and caregivers of children with emotional, behavioral and mental health needs.  To learn more about the Camden County Family Support Organization go to www.camdenfso.org

The Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative (SNJPC) is the maternal-child health consortium serving the seven southernmost counties of New Jersey. SNJPC programs and services are dedicated to improving health outcomes for pregnant women, babies and children through education, health planning, clinical care coordination and responding to emerging regional needs. For more information about the Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative go to www.snjpc.org