Renovations Unveiled at Merchantville Community Center

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(Merchantville) The Freeholder Board and Merchantville officials held a ribbon cutting ceremony and unveiled renovations and improvements recently completed at the Merchantville Community Center on November 13th. The Freeholder Board awarded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to the Borough of Merchantville for improvements related to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

“These funds were used to bring the building into ADA compliance and to ensure that all residents of the community are able to access this tremendous resource,” said Freeholder Louis Cappelli, Jr. “The Freeholder Board awards this funding each year for projects that benefit our residents most in need of aid.”

ADA-related improvements to the facility included new concrete ramping, concrete footings, ramp railings, a wheelchair lift, lift sump pump, and waterproofing.

Camden County annually awards CDBG awards to its municipalities for submitted projects which will benefit low/moderate income individuals and families, the elderly, and/or the disabled.

In addition to the improvements funded by County CDBG funds, the Borough financed upgrades to the building’s hardwood floor, HVAC system, storage, window replacement, and more.