(Gloucester Township, NJ) – The surge of electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) and vape use among adolescents and adults has vastly outpaced research on the products’ effects and safety. A study released at the end of 2019 found a stunning rise in e-cigarette use among high schoolers and middle schoolers as the total of number of young users increased from 3.6 million to 5.3 million in just one year, a 28 percent rise.
As parents and residents grapple with a new form of nicotine use and abuse, the Camden County Addiction Awareness Task Force is offering a free opportunity to learn more about the dangers of vaping.
“This is so new that many parents have barely had the chance to understand what their children are using, and there is not enough information available for adults to understand what they’re ingesting,” said Freeholder Carmen Rodriguez, liaison to the Department of Health and Human Services. “This is a dangerous substance especially for young, developing minds and bodies, and we want to ensure that accurate information is getting into the hands of parents and those who need it.”
Cathy Butler-Witt, Assistant Director of Public Health Programs for Family Health Initiatives and the Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative will present the workshop entitled “Dangers of Vaping” on Feb. 20. The workshop will be held at 6 p.m. at Camden County College’s Gloucester Township campus.
All addiction series workshops are being offered for free to those who RSVP in advance of the session. Registration can be completed by visiting https://www.camdencounty.com/service/camden-county-college-series/ or by contacting Patty DiRenzo at (856) 374-6137 or patty.direnzo@camdencounty.com.
Camden County College will offer CEUs to those who are pre-registered and are seeking credit towards current addiction counselor credit certifications and licensing.
This series is supported by the Camden County Addiction Awareness Task Force, Camden County College, the Camden County Department of Health & Human Services and the Office of Mental Health & Addiction.