Camden County Corrections officers of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 212 surprised students and distributed toys at the Larc School in Bellmawr during an early Christmas celebration featuring Santa Claus.
“The holiday season is a wonderful opportunity of our corrections officers to give back to families across Camden County,” said Commissioner Jonathan Young, liaison to the Department of Corrections. “The job done by corrections officers is not as visible as your local police officers but is nonetheless incredibly important to law enforcement as a whole and the wellbeing of our community.”
Toys for the celebration were collected as part of a toy drive organized by FOP Lodge 212.
“Every child deserves to experience the magic of the holiday season and that includes receiving gifts from Santa Claus,” said Douglas Grundlock, president of FOP Lodge 212. “We are committed to making the holidays as happy and carefree as possible for families in Camden County.”