Juvenile Detention Center

Camden County Juvenile Detention Center is the county’s pre-trial juvenile detention center. Located on the county’s Lakeland Campus outside Blackwood, New Jersey, the center holds boys and girls from Camden County who are accused of delinquent behavior and are awaiting action by the Family Court.

Mission Statement

To provide a safe and secure environment for the Residents and Staff of the Camden County Juvenile Detention Center, where careful intervention, educational opportunity and true mentoring produces reduced resident recidivism


Building Front Desk: 856-374-6100
Nursing Department: ext. 6128
Educational Department: ext. 6122
Social Services: ext(s). 6114, 2495, and 2483

Parent Information

Click here for information in English.

Click here for information in Spanish.

Prison Rape Elimination Act

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed in 2003. The law focuses on addressing sexual violence in juvenile facilities, jails, prisons, lockups, and other incarcerational institutions. This law provides for collection of data, technical assistance, early funding to assist states, and periodic review of facilities with high and low rates of victimization.  The Department of Justice under this law issued standards outlining the steps that facilities must take to address sexual misconduct prevention, detection and response.

The Camden County Juvenile Detention Center (CCJDC) is committed to ensuring a safe and humane environment for all offenders and will not tolerate any form of sexual abuse/sexual harassment. The CCJDC has a written policy mandating zero tolerance towards ALL forms of sexual harassment and abuse. All employees, contractors, vendors and volunteers are mandatorily trained to have a clear understanding of the guidelines under PREA. Click here for more information (PDF).

Camden County Juvenile Detention Center PREA Report 2018

Camden County Juvenile Detention Center PREA Report 2017

Camden County Juvenile Detention Center PREA Report 2016

Camden County Juvenile Detention Center PREA Report 2015

Camden County Juvenile Detention Center FINAL Audit Report